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I Took a Break From Writing
Writing puts a heavy mental strain on myself. I used to take continued breaks in between to fix it. This is just me coming up with excuses for the sabbatical for me.
OK, I’m going to address the elephant in the room. It’s even larger than an elephant.
All of us are familiar with what writer’s block is. I don’t think there’s anyone who hasn’t suffered through this, and it’s an irritating feeling to go through when you are supposed to be doing something productive.
What is writer’s block?
As the name suggests, it simplifies into the name itself. You’ve run out of things to write. You are no longer writing as you used to, and you don’t know what to write. And when you suddenly get an idea or a prompt to write, it vanishes away even before you start to build on it. Then you begin to wander, beating around the bushes for motivation again to write, but there’s nothing you can come up with.
How to deal with that?
It’s quite hard to pinpoint exact solutions for this. Many would say try to write again and again, but sometimes it doesn’t work.
The best solution I have come up with so far is to forget about writing and taking a break. It can be few days so few weeks but to refresh your mind and brain you should take as much time as possible.
It’s better to be on a break than being burned out from excessive stress.